Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This the Season, Deer that is!


Alright, for the faint at heart---please don't be upset, but my husband is so excited! He managed to tag is first deer ever! Even better, he got it on my grandparent's property and they were tickled pink! Look closely, it is a nine pointer. Pretty good for his first one!

Now, I could never go out myself and take down bambi, but I am glad he could. They are all over the place around here and most end up meeting their end with the front of some one's car. So, I am all for hunters that can kill them humanely and can use the meat. I instructed Eric to have most of the meat processed for trail bologna and jerky--since everything else is just too gamy for my tastes. My grandmother is finally going to pass her secret trail bologna recipe to me, so hopefully I can reproduce what she has for years.

I spent my entire childhood watching the guys go up in the woods in the freezing cold for days even weeks at a time, hoping to bring back the biggest buck during the holidays. My uncle Randy always seemed to be the most stealth, while my grandfather usually fell asleep on his stool. My grandmother would warm everyone up with navy beans and coffee. It swells my heart with pride to know that Eric is carrying on some of my family's traditions.

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