Wednesday, August 19, 2009

De-Stress Me Please!

So, it has been a very stressful week. My sister-in-law is getting married this Saturday and......
I am the Maid of Honor. I am honestly more stressed about her wedding than I was my own.....

And work has been full of crazy dramatic events......crying clients, angry co-worker husband,

So, I thought I would post about my favorite place to lovely back patio. It is calming and soothing. A place to relax and unwind with a glass of Chianti. It also holds one of my favorite purchases of this summer--the firepot, which I bought on clearance at Meijer. It uses fuel gel (which my recommendation is to purchase a ton of it at the end of summer when it is half off because it costs $13.00 a bottle regularly!). It crackles like the sound of real fire and emits a great glowing flame. I love-a-love-love it!
Two days until the big shindig....XOXOXOXO

Monday, August 17, 2009

You Say Tomato....I Say How Many Ya Want

Did you know as I child I hated tomatoes. I don't ever think I even had tasted one when I made my mind up about this-but my Grandpa Snuffy didn't like them, so neither did I. Ketchup, yes. Big, ripe, juicy tomato--no.

I also hated bleu cheese, olives, Dijon mustard, sour cream and pork chops. But my how my tastes have changed. Stuff the bleu cheese in the olive--Magic, I tell you. Coat the Dijon on the pork chops, slather sour cream on my nachos--oh yes! Why didn't I learn to love rice cakes and sea weed? Life is so cruel.

These tomatoes are fresh from my back yard. The plant is brimming over with ripe tomatoes so this whole week will be filled with tomato dishes (sorry, honey). My tomato plant came from Stump's in Logan (a roadside stand where once something is sold out they are gone---so you have to go the first week they open or you miss out!). It is the Rutger's variety and they are so sweet. I almost had to fist fight an old lady over this plant, but she backed off.

I ended up making last night this delicious salad of spinach, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, black olives and basil. I made a simple oil and balsamic seasoned dressing. Right before serving I added some sun-dried tomato feta cheese.....delicious!

Then I cut up a head of cabbage into wedges and grilled them the healthy way--with several heavy squirts of butter spray, some splenda, salt and pepper. I know it doesn't look pretty or impressive, but it is so good. P.S. I forgot I also hated cabbage as a child. I think I only thought you could make sauerkraut out of it--and that is something I still can't stomach.

I finished up our meal with some simple chicken kabobs. I marinated everything in a oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, fresh rosemary and oregano blend. It was the perfect meal for a hot summer day! Ta-Ta for now:)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Sweet Baby Isabella

Today we had to put down my sweet baby Bell Bell. She was my Easter present when I was ten years old. My grandmother made a tiny Easter bonnet for her with holes cut out for her ears. She probably weighed a pound. I remember giggling with delight when we drove her home and stopped at a park where a man asked if she was a kitten because she was so tiny.

She arrived at our house with a severe case of kennel cough and I was devasted when Dr. Bill called and said she probably wouldn't make it. Well, she proved us all wrong as 17 years later she was still hobbling around.......but a stroke and seizures got the best of her and we knew it was time.

So may you rest in peace my wonderful, sweet, brown-nosed chi-hua-hua. I know you are probably basking in the sun of doggy heaven chewing on one of grandma's biscuits.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Long Lost Blog

I could absolutely kick myself for neglecting my blog. I have made so many delicious recipes and cocktails over the past few months--it makes me sick that I didn't document them. I just end up making so many things that I end up forgetting some of the things I really liked.

It has been the summer of wedding planning for my sister-in-law, starting at a new company for work, lots of playing golf and lots of RAIN! I swear this has been the coldest, ickiest summer ever! But it is now August, so hopefully the tides have changed.

I also have moved into a new hobby this summer---practicing on my green thumb. I have never had good luck with keeping anything alive before, but this year I have REALLY tried. Daily watering and deadheading. Pruning carefully. Weekly feedings. It takes about an hour every day...but you know what, they look pretty darn good AND I planted everything in late April and we now into August and they are still ALIVE!! I know I shouldn't sound so excited, but it is a first for me!
I am going to make an effort to keep this updated, if only for myself.....