Wednesday, August 19, 2009

De-Stress Me Please!

So, it has been a very stressful week. My sister-in-law is getting married this Saturday and......
I am the Maid of Honor. I am honestly more stressed about her wedding than I was my own.....

And work has been full of crazy dramatic events......crying clients, angry co-worker husband,

So, I thought I would post about my favorite place to lovely back patio. It is calming and soothing. A place to relax and unwind with a glass of Chianti. It also holds one of my favorite purchases of this summer--the firepot, which I bought on clearance at Meijer. It uses fuel gel (which my recommendation is to purchase a ton of it at the end of summer when it is half off because it costs $13.00 a bottle regularly!). It crackles like the sound of real fire and emits a great glowing flame. I love-a-love-love it!
Two days until the big shindig....XOXOXOXO

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