Monday, February 25, 2008

Case of the Mondays

Oh, a line from one of my favorite movies--and boy does it sure ring true around here. It is a MADHOUSE. I need a break to take my mind off work because if I sit here thinking about it any longer I will devour the entire easter basket filled with Hersey kisses sitting next to me! AGH! Why, oh why did Walgreen's have to have them on sale for $1.50 a bag?

So, instead I will ponder on the wonder of blogs. I have been checking out other folk's blogs out there and they are amazing. Wonderful pictures, thoughtful insights, great recipes, and all on a daily basis. How in the world do they do it? Do they not have jobs? Are they strategically doing food placement with different backgrounds and plates? I feel like a bum since I use the same dinnerware every time and on the same countertop!

It also seems like every time I even have time to bake something I can't find the camera or am too rushed to even try and take half-way decent pictures. So the ones I end up with usually turn out pathetic. Keep in mind I usually take 10 pictures of each item and it is usually a struggle to find one decent one to post. Sad, I know. I'm sure it's the camera.

Oh, well I am not going to get too busted up about it. I'll just keep on cooking and hopefully the camera skills will improve. Or maybe my honey will buy me a new digital camera that I can keep solely in my kitchen drawer. Wouldn't that be lovely?

My next endeavor will be cinnamon rolls of some sort. For some reason that is on my "I must have this now" list. I am going to look for a short cut kind of recipe. I have seen several that take all day to make--and guess what mama don't have time for that! 2 hours or less, please.
For any of my friends or family reading this---when I do get around to making them, you can probably expect that I will bring you some (since my weirdo husband doesn't like cinnamon rolls, yikes how are we even compatible?!!!). Oh well, more for me!

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