Monday, March 31, 2008


A picture before digging into this week's recipe....Gooey Chocolate Cakes!
Here's the brand of chocolate I chose to use. It ended up making very rich chocolate cakes. Dorie advises not to skimp on the quality of chocolate, since it is the star of this recipe!
As usual, my shoddy photography skills give no justice to this chocolate goodness!

It's Tuesday again:) This week's recipe was right up my alley. Chocolate. Gooey, Melty, Chocolate. Why is it you either have general cravings---salty, sweet, or perhaps spicy. But what is it with that fourth craving, which is oh so specific--something chocolately. It normally hits me at 2:30 in the afternoon. When I have to sneak to the candy dish and dig for what I must have. Not the Wuther's Orignals or for god's sake not the sugar coated gummy things.

No, it must absolutely be chocolate! This month I keep digging out the leftover dark chocolate dove eggs. When those are all gone I will start on the Hersey kisses....I really should just leave those alone and go eat my chocolate pudding in the fridge, but who am I kidding? The pudding ain't gonna do it. Whoever writes those books and says eat the sugar-free chocolate pudding instead of the chocolate bar is a complete poindexter in my opinion. All I am going to do is eat the pudding, feel disappointed, then end up eating the chocolate bar. So really why waste the extra calories on the pudding?

So, when I found out we were making the Gooey Chocolate Cakes this week I was ecstatic. I have never made these little lava cakes before but my god they were simple. This is the kind of recipe that you could easily whip up before an impromptu dinner party and no one even guess it took such little effort. I ended up making mine in small ramekins that came with a fondue pot I received as a wedding gift. They were the perfect size. I also used some white chocolate chips in the middle of half the batch. They turned out to be my favorites. Eric enjoyed his warm with ice cream. But honestly no matter how you eat them they tasted wonderful.

As with most other Dorie recipes, this is definitely a thumbs up in taste and ease of preparation. I promise to post the recipe whenever I get a chance! Enjoy!


noskos said...

They look very yummy!! Love the way you decorated them!

Gretchen Noelle said...

Glad you enjoyed these! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Your Gooey cake looks great! I'm gonna try mine one more time and leave them in a few minutes less. Mine weren't as gooey :-(

Shari@Whisk: a food blog said...

White chocolate in the center is a great idea!

Mari said...

Love the white chocolate stripes, it makes them look even fancier! Well done!

Marie Rayner said...

You've really got some great goo going on there! I think your cakes look fabulous! Mine were more fudgy than gooey, but they did taste delicious, especially with a drizzle of muscovado toffee sauce and some clotted cream!!

Anonymous said...

I like the stripes. And I agree about the chocolate pudding!

Mary said...

great decoration....yum!

Amy said...

Yours look great. I love the presentation!

slush said...

Your presentation is lovely! Great job, so glad you liked them. :)

Robin said...

This looks incredible with the white chocolate drizzled on top! :-)

Rachel said...

I agree! This recipe was easy peasy. great job!

Natalie said...

Ooooh, white chocolate in the middle... Great idea!

LyB said...

Lovely presentation, and white chocolate in the middle of these wonderful cakes sounds delicious!